Climate Solutions

A man and a woman working in a lab-like setting wearing lab coats and smiling

Photo: Mikko Raskinen

The Story

For Finland, climate solutions are tools for achieving sustainable development, combatting climate change, saving natural resources, and improving the state of the environment, all while generating economic growth and jobs. New, digitalised solutions are being tested for renewable energynutrient recyclinglow-carbon timber constructionrehabilitation of contaminated land and wood-based bioplastics and textiles, to name a few.

Finland is one of the global forerunners in the circular economy. Finland created the first national roadmap to achieving a circular economy while the World Circular Economy Forum is an initiative of the Finnish Innovation Fund Sitra. Circular solutions have been proven to be a powerful force to mitigate climate change.

All of Finnish society participates in climate solutions. Finland is a small country and has a tradition of working together to achieve common goals. Climate change education is included in all levels of the Finnish curriculum, from kindergarten to university. Finland plans to be carbon neutral by 2035, one of the most ambitious climate goals in the world.

Good cooperation is essential to develop and deploy climate solutions. Not only do different partners work within Finland, they also work all over the world. Finland is an active member in international organisations and works with global partners on climate solutions. For example, the Finnish Meteorological Institute has worked with many Pacific island nations to provide weather forecasting solutions. In Finland, companies, academic researchers, public authorities and private citizens work together to help save our planet.

Finland offers solutions for a sustainable society.