A man guiding two small children who are sitting on skateboards on a skateboard ramp.

Photo: Hannu Huhtamo, Ministry of Social Affairs and Health

To celebrate Finland’s 100 years of independence in 2017 the Government of Finland established the International Gender Equality Prize.

How it Works

The prize is awarded biennially to a distinguished defender and builder of equality. The prize recipient will identify a cause, an innovative endeavor or action to which the prize amount is allocated.

The award is apolitical by nature, and granted by the Prime Minister’s Office based on a recommendation by an independent prize committee. The Prime Minister of Finland will name the prize committee.

A doctor looking into a child’s ear with an instrument.
Photo: Plugi Oy

Why now?
Why Finland?

Countries where women have strong roles in society are the most sustainable financially, socially and ecologically. There are many organizations and individuals making important strides in the advancement of gender equality around the world. Our hope is that Finland, a country that has made gender equality such a fundamental part of life, can help by providing additional support to the game changers in gender equality with the establishment of this prize.

For the last 100 years in Finland women have had active roles in working life and decision-making. In Finland, people firmly believe in gender equality, and Finns have worked for it longer than our country has been independent. For us, gender equality is one of our most important values and was a driving force for how we developed our country when Finland became an independent nation 100 years ago. Finland is among the best countries in the world to be a mother and a girl, and the best-performing country in the world when it comes to human capital potential. The entire talent of our small country – not only 50% of it – was fully utilized and we were the first country in the world to do this.

We believe that equality is possible in all societies. That is why Finland has for many years prioritized the role and rights of women and girls in its’s development cooperation. Thanks to our world-class expertise, education system and research, Finland wants to find joyful and practical solutions to both local and global challenges related to gender equality.

A female football goalkeeper pictured from behind.
Photo:Pia Inberg, Keksi

International Gender Equality Prize

Functionality and Wellbeing

To celebrate Finland’s 100 years of independence in 2017 the Government of Finland established the International Gender Equality Prize.

This presentation introduces the International Gender Equality Prize and Finland’s key actions as the forerunner of gender equality.