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Artificial Intelligence from Finland
Functionality and WellbeingFinland aims to be the leading country in Artificial Intelligence. As a technology superpower, we are able to fully utilize all the possibilities of AI throughout the society. Finland initiated one of the world’s first national AI strategies and action plans in 2017 to boost research and education in thefield of AI. The public sector is already integrating AI into its operations to increase efficiency and improve services. For instance, the Ministry of Finance initiated the AuroraAI program that helps citizens and companies by suggesting services based on their needs. By successfully applying AI, Finland has the potential to double its economic growth rate by 2035 (Accenture and Frontier Economics 2017).
Finland offers top-level AI education in universities and raises the awareness of its citizens through public online courses, such as Elements of AI. The Finns form a tech-savvy society that is not afraid of new technologies and innovations, which makes the country an excellent place for developing
and applying novel AI technologies.
Material is produced by Business Finland
Edited: 19.1.2021