One country working alone cannot tackle the climate and environmental problems we face today. That is why Finland is committed to solving environmental issues swiftly, practically and together with others.
We believe that technological and social innovations are the key to finding solutions that work inside and outside of Finland. Rather than being afraid of challenges, we meet the ambitious global and national climate targets with action and cooperation.
Legislation and research form the basis of our ambitious climate goals, but in order to meet them we need to do much more. Everybody needs to contribute to the change, which is why climate education is now an integral part of the curriculum in Finnish schools.

Education and a strong
nature relationship
Participation to solving matters for common good is deep-rooted in the Finnish culture.
According to a survey conducted in 2019, four out of five Finns consider that urgent action is needed to mitigate climate change. We also wish to have solutions to climate crisis at the heart of policy-making.
Finns want to participate in protecting the environment. Climate change education is part of Finnish curriculum from kindergarten to university.
Participation is the core element of law drafting process as well. During the renewal of the national Climate Act over 2500 people told us what “the perfect climate act” should consist of.
Finnish people have a strong nature relationship, because nature has always been accessible to us. Finland is the most forested country in Europe and four out of five Finns say nature is very important to them.
Bringing science and
decision-making together
Finnish environmental legislation has a strong research underpinning and we believe in collaborating across sectoral and disciplinary boundaries. In 1990 Finland was the first country in the world to introduce a carbon tax based on the carbon content of fossil fuels as an instrument for climate mitigation.
Finland’s Climate Act (2015) sets target to cut emissions 80% by 2050 on 1990 levels and promotes transparency in climate policy. It requires each future government to set out climate policies towards the long-term goal and monitor the results. Finland was also the first country to publish a national Climate Change Adaptation Strategy in 2005 and a roadmap to a circular economy in 2016.
Though much has already been done, there is a lot more to do. According to prime minister Sanna Marin’s Government Programme in 2019 Finland will be climate neutral by 2035, and the world’s first fossil-free welfare society. The Climate Act is currently being amended and updated in a way that the target of climate neutrality by 2035 can be achieved.

In Finland, everyone does their share for climate
Legislation and solutions developed together by the private and public sectors have always played a central role in Finland in solving environmental problems. The same ability to collaborate across interest groups and sector boundaries is now being harnessed again.
Businesses are striving towards a structural change to ensure a more sustainable future. Roadmaps have been prepared for four energy-intensive industries and nine other sectors, aiming at significant reductions in greenhouse gas emissions by 2035. These roadmaps will be one of the cornerstones of the government’s climate policy.
Almost half of the Finns live in municipalities that aim to be carbon-neutral already by 2030. Finnish cities and municipalities have developed active networks nationally and internationally to share best practices.
Adaptable solutions
for tackling global problems
Education, technology, science and innovation are our allies in finding comprehensive solutions in tackling climate change. Ambitious political goals accelerate the process. We believe individual ingenuity should be magnified with government research funding. Our mission is to develop solutions that work on a global scale.
With ambitious targets, it is important to be realistic: environmental issues know no boundaries. We are only 5.5 million people, but we are in no way separate from the 7.8 billion others on this planet.
To achieve change on a global scale, we need to network, find partners and embrace a systemic approach globally. Only together can we see the big picture. We are ready to share our know-how and lessons learned and join forces to change the future.